POWER OF PRAYER By Swami Sivananda

Prayer has tremendous influence. Mahatma Gandhi was a great votary of prayer. If the
prayer is sincere and if it proceeds from the bottom of your heart (Antarika), it will at once melt the
heart of the Lord. Sri Krishna had to run bare-footed from Dvaraka on hearing the heart-felt prayer
of Draupadi. You all know this. Lord Hari, the mighty ruler of this universe, apologised before
Prahlada for coming a little late when the latter prayed. How merciful and loving is the Lord!
Say even once from the bottom of your heart: “O Lord, I am thine. Thy will be done. Have
mercy on me. I am Thy servant and devotee. Forgive. Guide. Protect. Enlighten. Trahi.
Prachodayat.” Have a meek, receptive attitude of mind. Have Bhava in your heart. The prayer is at
once heard and responded to. Do this in the daily battle of life and realise yourself the high efficacy
of prayer. You must have strong Astikya-Buddhi (strong conviction in the existence of God).
Christians have different prayers for getting various gifts and bounties from God.
Mohammedans and all religionists have daily prayers at sunrise, noon, sunset, just before retiring to
bed, just before taking food. Prayer is the beginning of Yoga. Prayer is the first important Anga
(limb) of Yoga. Preliminary spiritual Sadhana or practice is prayer.
God helps even a dacoit when he prays. Pray to God for purity, devotion, light and
knowledge. You will get these things. Get up early in the morning and repeat some prayers for
getting mental and physical Brahmacharya. Pray in any manner you like. Become as simple as a
child. Open freely the chambers of your heart. Sincere Bhaktas know pretty well about the high
efficacy of prayers. Narada Muni is still praying. Nama Deva prayed and Vittal came out of the
image to eat his food. Ekanath prayed. Lord Hari showed His Chaturbhuj form. Sri Krishna served
Damaji as a servant when he prayed; He played the part of a menial in paying his dues to the
Badshah. What more do you want? Pray fervently right now from this very second. Do not delay,
friend. That ‘to-morrow’ will never come.
The power of prayer is indescribable. Its glory is ineffable. Only sincere devotees realise its
usefulness and splendour. It should be done with reverence, faith and Nishkama-Bhava
(non-expectation of fruits), and with a heart wet with devotion. O ignorant man! Do not argue about
the efficacy of prayer. You will be deluded. There is no arguing in spiritual matters. Intellect is a
finite and a frail instrument. Do not trust this. Remove now the darkness of your ignorance through
the light of prayer.


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