Christmas—Its Spiritual Meaning by Swami Sivananda

O humanity! O modern age! Hearken to this significant inner message of Christmas. May the true implication of the Divine Christ Personality dawn upon your hearts! Realize fully that so long as the thirst for mammon and the arrogance of power infects the nature of man, so long the Christ-spirit of peace, blessedness and true happiness cannot enter into your life. When Christmas is being celebrated all over the Continent and in England, America and in the entire Christian world, may this be borne in mind that, “unless ye be born again, ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven,” and that unless the simplicity and the purity of heart of the little children come to indwell the hardened, unregenerate nature of the modern man, the advent of the Divine Grace as peace, prosperity, universal well-being and concord are indeed far, far away. As with the individual, even so with the nations of the world, the fundamentals of true faith, true charity, genuine humility and a spiritual rebirth alone can usher in true bliss and brotherhood upon this earth. It is when such a transformation occurs in the nations of men and it is when they renounce their policies of hatred and greed that the modern world will truly enjoy the blessings of the real, universal Christmas. Then will be the advent of the Blessed Christ into this despairing world. Till then Christmas will be but a travesty of the real glory of the Lord’s advent. Be born again and live anew, O World of Today! May the bliss and radiance of the Lord’s advent permeate the earth!
But seekers, mark this! When Divinity is to manifest, welcome it with open arms. Do not be so engrossed in the world and deny place to the Lord. At His blessed advent the land was so engrossed in counting men and reckoning of money that the inns and houses of Bethlehem were so crowded out that there was hardly any place left to receive the Lord. The census and the taxation signify the soul’s bondage to and preoccupation in earthly human relationships and attachments and its engrossment with lucre. Let the aspirant beware of these two vital mistakes. Turning away inwardly from all pursuit of earthly wealth and overcoming all attachment, be thou ever fully receptive to the expression of the Divine Spirit within.
Beloved seekers, usher in now the real and spiritual Christmas within your being, become desireless. Conquer egoism. Become embodiments of true humility. Develop meekness and lowliness of spirit by humble surrender unto the Lord. Be courageous to overcome all obstacles. Joyously renounce mammon. Welcome the descent of the Light of Grace within. Rejoice in the advent of the Divine. Thus celebrate the Christmas that ultimately leads you on the glorious climax of Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension. Be crowned with Divine glory. Attain immortality, perfect freedom and be for ever steeped in infinite bliss. Through Christmas realise the Christ-consciousness and the radiant light of Atmic (divine) Wisdom.

video of Gurumaharaj

 Watch this video how Sri Gurumaharaj is praising The Divine Mother



gurumaharaj and swami omkarnath

















CHIDANANDA beyond boundries



gunatita chidananda







POWER OF PRAYER By Swami Sivananda

Prayer has tremendous influence. Mahatma Gandhi was a great votary of prayer. If the
prayer is sincere and if it proceeds from the bottom of your heart (Antarika), it will at once melt the
heart of the Lord. Sri Krishna had to run bare-footed from Dvaraka on hearing the heart-felt prayer
of Draupadi. You all know this. Lord Hari, the mighty ruler of this universe, apologised before
Prahlada for coming a little late when the latter prayed. How merciful and loving is the Lord!
Say even once from the bottom of your heart: “O Lord, I am thine. Thy will be done. Have
mercy on me. I am Thy servant and devotee. Forgive. Guide. Protect. Enlighten. Trahi.
Prachodayat.” Have a meek, receptive attitude of mind. Have Bhava in your heart. The prayer is at
once heard and responded to. Do this in the daily battle of life and realise yourself the high efficacy
of prayer. You must have strong Astikya-Buddhi (strong conviction in the existence of God).
Christians have different prayers for getting various gifts and bounties from God.
Mohammedans and all religionists have daily prayers at sunrise, noon, sunset, just before retiring to
bed, just before taking food. Prayer is the beginning of Yoga. Prayer is the first important Anga
(limb) of Yoga. Preliminary spiritual Sadhana or practice is prayer.
God helps even a dacoit when he prays. Pray to God for purity, devotion, light and
knowledge. You will get these things. Get up early in the morning and repeat some prayers for
getting mental and physical Brahmacharya. Pray in any manner you like. Become as simple as a
child. Open freely the chambers of your heart. Sincere Bhaktas know pretty well about the high
efficacy of prayers. Narada Muni is still praying. Nama Deva prayed and Vittal came out of the
image to eat his food. Ekanath prayed. Lord Hari showed His Chaturbhuj form. Sri Krishna served
Damaji as a servant when he prayed; He played the part of a menial in paying his dues to the
Badshah. What more do you want? Pray fervently right now from this very second. Do not delay,
friend. That ‘to-morrow’ will never come.
The power of prayer is indescribable. Its glory is ineffable. Only sincere devotees realise its
usefulness and splendour. It should be done with reverence, faith and Nishkama-Bhava
(non-expectation of fruits), and with a heart wet with devotion. O ignorant man! Do not argue about
the efficacy of prayer. You will be deluded. There is no arguing in spiritual matters. Intellect is a
finite and a frail instrument. Do not trust this. Remove now the darkness of your ignorance through
the light of prayer.

PRANAYAM The basic breathing excercise By Swami Sivananda

Exercise No. 1
Sit on Padmasana. Close your eyes. Concentrate on Trikuti (the space between the two
eye-brows). Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale slowly through the left nostril as
long as you can do it with comfort. Then exhale very very slowly through the same nostril. Do
twelve times. This is one round.
Then inhale through the right nostril by closing the left nostril with your right ring and little
fingers and exhale very slowly through the same nostril. Do twelve times. This is one round.
Do not make any sound during inhalation and exhalation. Repeat your Ishta Mantra during
the practice. In the second week of practice, do two rounds, in the third week, three rounds. Take
rest for two minutes when one round is over. If you take a few normal breaths, when one round is
over, that will give you sufficient rest and you will be fresh for the next round. There is no
Kumbhaka in this exercise. You can increase the number of rounds according to your strength and
Exercise No. 2
Inhale through both the nostrils slowly and gently. Do not retain the breath. Then exhale
slowly. Do 12 times. This will constitute one round. You can do 2 or 3 rounds according to your
capacity and strength and time at your disposal.
Exercise No. 3
Sit on your Asana. Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Then inhale slowly through
your left nostril. Close the left nostril with your right ring and little fingers and open the right nostril
by removing the right thumb. Exhale very slowly through the right nostril. Then draw the air
through the right nostril as long as you can do it with comfort and exhale through the left nostril by
removing the right ring and little fingers. There is no Kumbhaka in this Pranayama. Repeat the
process 12 times. This will constitute one round.
Exercise No. 4
Meditate that the single letter, the Supreme light—Pranava or OM—is the origin or source
of the three letters A, U and M. Inhale the air through Ida or left nostril for the space of 16 Matras
(seconds), meditate on the letter ‘A’ during that time; retain the air for the space of 64 Matras,
meditate on the letter ‘U’ during the time; exhale through the right nostril for the space of 32 Matras
and meditate on the letter ‘M’ during that time. Practise this again and again in the above order.
Begin with 2 or 3 times and gradually increase the number to 20 or 30 times according to your
capacity and strength. To begin with, keep the ratio 1:4:2. Gradually increase the ratio to 16:64:32.

.KUNDALINI PRANAYAMA by Swami Sivananda. A method to activate kundalini shakti

chakras and kundalini
In this Pranayama, the Bhavana is more important than the ratio between Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka. Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana, facing the East or the North. After mentally prostrating to the lotus-feet of the Sat-guru and reciting Stotras in praise of God and Guru, commence doing this Pranayama which will easily lead to the awakening of the Kundalini. Inhale deeply, without making any sound. As you inhale, feel that the Kundalini lying dormant in the Muladhara Chakra is awakened and is going up from Chakra to Chakra. At the conclusion of the Puraka, have the Bhavana that the Kundalini has reached the Sahasrara. The more vivid the visualisation of Chakra after Chakra, the more rapid will be your progress in this Sadhana. Retain the breath for a short while. Repeat the Pranava or your Ishta Mantra. Concentrate on the Sahasrara Chakra. Feel that by the Grace of Mother Kundalini, the darkness of ignorance enveloping your soul has been dispelled. Feel that your whole being is pervaded by light, power and wisdom. Slowly exhale now. And, as you exhale feel that the Kundalini Shakti is gradually descending from the Sahasrara, and from Chakra to Chakra, to the Muladhara Chakra. Now begin the process again. It is impossible to extol this wonderful Pranayama adequately. It is the magic wand for attaining perfection very quickly. Even a few days’ practice will convince you of its remarkable glory. Start from today, this very moment. May God bless you with joy, bliss and immortality.
                                                              May Gurudev bless you.
                                                                        om tat sat

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Self surrender mantra

Oh Lord! I am Thine.All is Thine.Thy will be done.Thou art everything.Thou does everything.Thou art just.I am nothing.I can do nothing.I am an non-entity.

JAPA YOGA by Gurudev Swami Sivananda

जय  गुरुदेव दयानिधे भगतन के हितकारी ..........
               शिवानंद जय मोह बिनाशक गुरु मूरत धारि....................
                                    ॐ नमो भगवते शिवानान्दाय 
 "Japa Japa Japa the only way to wipe out your all sufferings and sins."
1. In this Iron Age, Japa Yoga is an easy way for attaining God-realisation.
2. Japa is the repetition of any Mantra or Name of the Lord with Bhava and feeling.
3. Japa removes the impurities of the mind, destroys sins and brings the devotee face to face with the
4. Every Name is filled with countless powers; just as fire has the natural property of burning things,
so also the Name of God has the power of burning the sins and desires.
5. Sweeter than all sweet things, more auspicious than all good things, purer than all pure things, is
the Name of the Lord.
6. Name of the Lord is a boat to cross this Samsara. It is a weapon to destroy the mind.
7. The repetition of the Mantra again and again generates great spiritual force and momentum and
intensifies the spiritual Samskaras or impressions.
8. Mananaat Trayate iti Mantrah: By the Manana, constant thinking or recollection, one is released
from the round of birth and death; so it is called Mantra.
9. Repetition of Mantra raises vibrations. Vibrations give rise to definite forms. Repetition of Om
Namah Sivaya gives rise to the form of Lord Siva in the mind; repetition of Om Namo
Narayanaya gives rise to the form of Lord Hari.
10. The glory of the Name of God cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can
certainly be experienced or realised, only through devotion, faith and constant repetition.
11. Japa is of three kinds, viz., Manasic Japa, Upamsu Japa or humming, and Vaikhari Japa, loud
and audible Japa.
12. Mental repetition of Japa, Manasic Japa, is more powerful than loud Japa.
13. Get up at 4 a.m. and do the Japa for two hours. Brahmamuhurtha is most favourable for Japa and
14. If you cannot take a bath, wash your hands, feet, face and body, and sit for Japa.
15. Face north or east when sitting. This enhances the efficacy of the Japa.
16. Sit on a Kusha-grass seat or deer-skin or rug. Spread a white cloth over it. This conserves
17. Do some prayer before starting the Japa.
18. Have a steady pose. Have Asana-Jaya or conquest over Asana. You must be able to sit in Padma,
Siddha or Sukha Asana for three hours at a stretch.
19. When you repeat the Mantra, have the feeling or mental attitude that the Lord is seated in your
heart, that Sattva or purity is flowing from the Lord to your mind, that the Mantra purifies your
heart, destroys desires and cravings and evil thoughts.
20. Do not do the Japa in a hurried manner, just as a contractor tries to finish his work in a hurried
way. Do it slowly with Bhava, one-pointedness of mind and single-minded devotion.
21. Pronounce the Mantra distinctly and without mistakes. Do not repeat it too fast or too slow.
22. Use not the index finger while rolling the beads. Use the thumb, the middle and the ring fingers.
When counting of one Mala is over, revert it and come back again. Cross not the Meru. Cover
your hand with a towel.
23. Be vigilant. Keep an alert attention during Japa. Stand up and do the Japa when sleep tries to
overpower you.
24. Resolve to finish a certain minimum number of Malas before leaving the seat.
25. Mala or rosary is a whip to goad the mind towards God.
26. Sometimes do the Japa without a Mala. Go by the watch.
27. Practise meditation also along with Japa. This is Japa-Sahita-Dhyana. Gradually Japa will drop
and meditation alone will continue. This is Japa-Rahita-Dhyana.
28. Have four sittings for Japa daily—early morning, noon, evening and night.
29. A devotee of Lord Vishnu should repeat “Om Namo Narayanaya”; a devotee of Lord Siva, “Om
Namah Sivaya”; a devotee of Lord Krishna, “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”; a devotee of
Lord Rama, “Om Sri Ramaya Namah” or “Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram”; a devotee of
Devi, Gayatri Mantra or Durga Mantra.
30. It is better to stick to one Mantra alone. See Lord Krishna in Rama, Siva, Durga, Gayatri.
31. Regularity in Japa Sadhana is most essential. Sit in the same place and at the same time.
32. Purascharana is repetition of the Mantra Akshara-Laksha, one lakh of times for each letter.
33. Japa must become habitual. Even in dream you must be doing Japa.
34. Japa Yoga is the easiest, quickest, safest, surest, and cheapest, way for attaining
God-realisation. Glory to the Lord! Glory, glory to His Name!
35. O man! Take refuge in the Name. Nama (Name) and Nami (Lord) are inseparable.

MANTRA YOGA by Gurudev Swami Sivananda

1. Mantra Yoga is an exact science. ‘Mananat trayate iti mantrah’—by the Manana (constant
thinking or recollection) of which one is released from the round of births and deaths, is Mantra.
2. Every Mantra has a Rishi who gave it to the world; a Matra or metre which governs the inflection
of the voice; a Devata or a supernatural being; the Bija or seed which gives it a special power;
the Sakti or the energy of the form of the Mantra; and the Kilakam or the pillar which supports
and makes the Mantra strong.
3. A Mantra is Divinity, Mantra and its presiding Devata are one. The Mantra itself is Devata.
Mantra is divine power, Daivi Sakti, manifesting in a sound-body. Constant repetition of the
Mantra with faith, devotion and purity augments the Sakti or power of the aspirant, purifies and
awakens the Mantra Chaitanya latent in the Mantra and bestows on the Sadhaka Mantra Siddhi,
illumination, freedom, peace, eternal bliss, immortality.
4. By constant repetition of the Mantra the Sadhaka imbibes the virtues and powers of the Deity that
presides over the Mantra. Repetition of Surya Mantra bestows health, long life, vigour, vitality,
Tejas or brilliance. It removes all diseases of the body and the diseases of the eye. No enemy can
do any harm. Repetition of Aditya-hridayam in the early morning is highly beneficial. Lord
Rama conquered Ravana through the repetition of Aditya-hridayam imparted by Agastya Rishi.
5. Mantras are in the form of praise and appeal to the deities, craving for help and mercy. Some
Mantras control and command the evil spirits. Rhythmical vibrations of sound give rise to
forms. Recitation of the Mantras gives rise to the formation of the particular figure of the deity.
6. Repetition of Sarasvati Mantra ‘OM Sarasvatyai Namah’ will bestow on you wisdom and good
intelligence. You will get inspiration and compose poems. Repetition of ‘Om Sri
Mahalakshmyai Namah’ will confer on you wealth and remove poverty. Ganesha Mantra will
remove any obstacle in any undertaking. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra will remove accidents,
incurable diseases and bestow long life and immortality. It is a Moksha Mantra too.
7. Repetition of Subrahmanya Mantra ‘Om Saravanabhavaya Namah’ will give success in any
undertaking and make you glorious. It will drive off the evil influences and evil spirits.
Repetition of Sri Hanuman Mantra, ‘Om Hanumanthaya Namah’ will bestow victory and
strength. Repetition of Panchadasakshara and Sodasakshara (Sri Vidya) will give you wealth,
power, freedom, etc. It will give you whatever you want. You must learn this Vidya from a Guru
8. Repetition of Gayatri or Pranava or Om Namah Sivaya, Om Namo Narayanaya, Om Namo
Bhagavate Vasudevaya, one and a quarter lakh of times with Bhava, faith and devotion will
confer on you Mantra Siddhi.
9. OM, Soham, Sivoham, Aham Brahmasmi are Moksha Mantras. They will help you to attain
Self-realisation. Om Sri Ramaya Namah, Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya are Saguna
Mantras which will enable you to attain Saguna realisation first and then Nirguna realisation in
the end.
10. Mantra for curing scorpion stings and cobra bites should be repeated on eclipse days for getting
Mantra Siddhi quickly. You should stand in the water and repeat the Mantra. This is more
powerful and effective. They can be recited on ordinary days also for attaining Mantra-Siddhi.
11. Mantra Siddhi for curing scorpion sting, cobra bites, etc., can be attained within 40 days. Repeat
the Mantra with faith and devotion regularly. Have sitting in the early morning after taking bath.
Observe Brahmacharya and live on milk and fruits for 40 days or take restricted diet.
12. Chronic diseases can be cured by Mantras. Chanting of Mantras generate potent spiritual waves
or divine vibrations. They penetrate the physical and astral bodies of the patients and remove
the root causes of sufferings. They fill the cells with pure Sattva or divine energy. They destroy
the microbes and vivify the cells and tissues. They are best, most potent antiseptics and
germicides. They are more potent than ultra-violet rays or Roentgen rays.
13. Mantra Siddhi should not be misused for the destruction of others. Those who misuse the
Mantra power for destroying others are themselves destroyed in the end.
14. Those who utilise the Mantra power in curing snake bites, scorpion stings and chronic diseases
should not accept any kind of presents or money. They must be absolutely unselfish. They
should not accept even fruits or clothes. They will lose the power if they utilise the power for
selfish purposes. If they are absolutely unselfish, if they serve the humanity with Sarvatma
Bhava, their power will increase through the grace of the Lord.
15. He who attained Mantra Siddhi can cure cobra bite or scorpion sting or any chronic disease by
mere touch on the affected part. When a man is bitten by a cobra a telegram is sent to the Mantra
Siddha. The Mantra Siddha recites the Mantra and the man who is bitten by a cobra is cured.
What a grand marvel! Does this not prove the tremendous power of Mantra?
16. Get the Mantra initiation from your Guru. Or pray to your Ishta Devata and start doing Japa of
the particular Mantra, if you find it difficult to get a Guru.
17. May you all become Mantra Yogis with Mantra Siddhi! May you all become real benefactors of
the world by becoming divine healers through Mantra cure! May Mantra cure, divine healing
centres be started all over the world!

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